Thursday, 9 October 2014

Questions to my Target Audience

1.   What do you look for in a Student Magazine?

“Student discount vouchers etc. They’re always useful for people our age.”
“General modern day gossip, and the latest music from recent artists.”
“Things that appeal to our age group such as exam advice, and possibly problem page with an agony aunt.”
“Things that we can relate to, revision tips and general news.”

2.   Would you pay for a Student Magazine?
“It depends how good it was, and how many discounts/vouchers it contained.”
“No, I wouldn’t.”
“No, as it’s a student magazine, I’d expect it to be free.”
“No, students don’t tend to have a lot of spare money.”
3.   What kind of layout would you prefer in this type of magazine?
“A simple layout, nothing too complicated as I’d lose interest.”
“Not too simple. You don’t want it to look basic but then again if it’s too complex people may lose interest really.”
“A good mid-point of a simple and more complex layout. It needs to stand out and look appealing to the target audience.”
“With a really simple layout I would lose interest, but a complex one wouldn’t be too great either.”
4.   What do you think of the title “Student Guide”?
“A little basic, but it states the obvious really and that’s all you need.”
“A short title stands out, I’d pick up a copy.”
“It appeals to the target audience.”

“It says what it is, and that’s what I like about it.”

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